dalam peperangan pemikiran, kemenangan bukanlah apabila kau berjaya membuat seseorang percaya apa yang kau percaya dan yakin apa yang kau yakin, tetapi cukuplah dengan dia meragui apa yang dia percaya dan meragui apa yang dia yakini

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

me and sheikh yusof

a long due post
thanks to my incompetent in english
why in english ?
because the talk and note about this talk\lecture is in english. thats why


i was given a chance to sit in a lecture/talk by Sheikh Yusuf; former mufti of Canada about 4 months ago
the topics varied from promises to marriage [ another reason why i purposely delayed writing this post ]
we had to wait for quite a moment before the sheikh appeared
apparently he was not feeling well that night plus the condition of traffic in egypt which is as bad as my german; very bad indeed
as soon as he arrived, he sat at the provided chair and the emcee for the talk/lecture did his thing
then he rose while holding a cane to support his body
honestly i was expecting the sheikh to speak in heavily accented canadian-english
but to my surprise, he spoke with egyptian-english accent
apart from that, this talk/lecture had been a huge eye-opener for me

first thing that he said was " respect your promises and others time "
this was the reason why he mustered his strength to come even though he was sick
because he promised he would come, so he came
even though the person in charged of this talk/lecture offered to cancel or to delay the talk until he recovered
but he insisted to come
oh how beauty his akhlak is 
* then i look into myself, who try to find excuses all the time in order to escape my responsibilities *
then he continued his talk/lecture by stressing on the second point,
respect others time
other people has their own schedule and plans so don't do injustice [zalim] to them
and that include,
cancelling plans at last minute
and came late to any event
he asked us to fulfill our promises

then he continued by asking us to implement what we preach
to walk the talk 
after elaborating quite a bit on this topic [ about how da'wah is not effective due to our failure to act what we preach and so on. i fail to remember the rest. blame my incompetent on note-taking ability ]

then he continued, saying " organize yourselves to organize the world "
[ maybe he was implying to the fact that we are in fact khalifa sent to this world to govern it ]

then he advised us to be with trustful/honest person
he said " a society is build with honesty "
a society without honesty as its main core will beleaguered by problems
a dishonest police will took bribe 
a dishonest businessman will sold incompetence product to their customers
a dishonest engineer/constructor will use below par-material in their construction/machine 
all of this will resulted to a damaged society

then he get side tracked a bit and start talking about building in egypt
he complained about the architecture and city planning of egypt which allowed food-stalls to be open under an housing-apartment 
he said this is very dangerous, what if the propane tank used exploded ?
this will certainly resulted in the death of many people
he said that even form the fume released by the food-stalls is endangering human health
this is not the case in canada where industrial areas is isolated from housing areas
and food stalls are forbidden to be open in an housing-apartment 
i agreed with his points 
and then i remembered a saying
" in order to bring orders to cairo's traffic, the only way is by throwing all the egyptian into the nile river "

and he complained about the passport system 
i'm not sure when but it was there
he had some uneasy experience with the passport system
he was staying in egypt [or indonesia or somewhere, i don't remember ]
and he wanted to return to canada
after buying the ticket and the day to board the flight came
only to his shock, he cannot board the flight due to his passport's expiration date was less than 6 months 
he questioned, if he cannot board the flight why the company still sold him the ticket ?
this is dishonest in trading
and the only way to renew his passport is by returning to canada 
an act which cannot be done because he cant travel with his expiring passport
this is madness 

then he continued to speak about marriage
a topic which will be delayed again
why ? because this post is already too long
and i'm lazy
thats why


  1. great post! :)
    why don't you keep writing in english when you're so good with it?
    i am learning a lot from your post.. 'certain posts' :D

    1. good ?
      i consider myself to be incompetent

      even a certain post is good enough for me

  2. ececece! English tu... Good job :)

    Thanks for sharing! I love the facts.
    Dasyat sungguh orang berilmu berfikir. Nampak sangat diri dekat takuk mana.

  3. ala english cukup makan saja

    kan, kalau macam itu
    aku lagilah
